This is an updated version for the 21st Century of the famous Napoleonic Uniform guides from W.J. Rawkins.
Fully edited, updated and with four pages of colour illustrations, and many supporting illustrations. This book provides an affordable and incredibly detailed reference point for anyone interested in the Saxon Army of the Napoleonic Wars, from its rebirth after the fall of the Holy Roman Empire in 1806 and the defeats of Prussia, and its ally Saxony at the battles of Jena and Auerstadt, Saxony attached its fortunes to Napoleon and France. Present at most of the major actions of the subsequent years, and part of the Invasion of Russia in 1812, it was only on the third day of the Battle of the Nations... Leipzig, in 1813 when the army defected to the Allies.
From 1810 the Saxon uniform aped that of France, so for modellers and wargamers, the Saxon Army is a prime example of the ‘unusual’ that is always popular.
Every branch of the Saxon Army from 1806-1814 is covered in great detail, with charts and illustrations, and will provide great value to the purchaser.