‘Friday night at the fights’
Here you will find different scenarios that you can use with ‘The War on the Ground’ rules set, play tests and and some interesting WW2 articles.
Scenario 01 - Bloody Gully. 3rd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment faces Real opposition, 13th June 1944
Scenario 02 - King Sugar to anybody September 1944
Scenario 03 - The Mallati Gorge 1943

Scenario 04 - Operation Gaga February 1945
Scenario 05 - 3 Russian armoured cars (and a couple of guns) face down a German mountain battalion. 28th June 1941
Scenario 06 - A little consternation playtest
Scenario 07 - Landsers vs Tanks playtest
Article 01 - KV1 that stopped a German division, the real story!
Scenario 08 - Operation Caravan playtest
Scenario 09 - Meeting Engagement at Mozyr, 24th June 1941
Scenario 10 - Recovering an Elefant - playtesting in progress
Scenario 11 - Playtesting ‘Castle Hill’, part of the Monte Cassino series of scenarios for the next Italy book.
Scenario 12 - Playtesting Borisov, Part 1. 1st July 1941
Scenario 13 - Hard won experience 9th July 1941
Article 02 - Fallschirmjager Formations
Scenario 14 - Bardia playtest
scenario 15 - Fighting for Chabrehez, 10th May 1940