This page will hopefully answer any of your questions about the game. If your question is not answered here, please do not hesitate to contact us via the 'contact us' section at the bottom of the homepage.


Q 1. What is the benefit of armoured vehicles having side skirts? Answer: At the end of the ‘Infantry A/t weapons section on page 14, add the following: If a HEAT round (panzerfaust, Panzerschrek, Bazooka or PIAT) hits the side skirt of an AFV, a D10 is rolled. If a 9-10 is rolled, the shaped charge fails to penetrate the hull. Any other result, and the Armour Penetration Chart is consulted.


Q 2. On the Direct Fire Table there is a HEAT line with '+' modifiers. Why is it there?

Answer: HEAT is there for if and when the fire factors of weapons is expanded... there has   been some discussion about not 'over complicating' things, but I want to have the option in future  scenario books. Unless everyone else is right and it is not really needed!


Q 3. Clarification. When AFV are in an Indirect Area Fire area zone and rolls for effect, the only results that count are dispersed and KO (unless specified in the effect description)


 Q 4. Will future scenario books have more unit and vehicle stats?

The answer is that, yes, each scenario book will have more vehicles and unit stats, but I am thinking of putting all vehicle stats on the website, so watch the site for developments.


Q 5. On Page 6.  Ground reconnaissance, it says "at no cost".  What does this mean?

Answer: At no cost.... if you are playing a points game. This encourages players to actually use one of the key elements of warfare, a sad lack in some rules I have found.


Q 6. On Page 6, what happens during this reconnaissance step, is a mini game fought for 5 turns?

Answer: Yes, these five turns are a 'prep' game.


Q 7. Page 9.  AFV movement reduction for a tracked AFV in bocage is -75%

but, tracked vehicle deductions for crossing bocage is "Impassable". Is there a difference?

Answer: Bocage should be 'Impassable'.


Q 8. Page 11. Q3. Do turreted AFVs have a 180 degree visibility arc from the front of the vehicle or turret?

Answer: Yes they do.


Q 9. On page 9, is ‘Confusion of Battle’ always used in games?

Answer: You don't have to use ‘Confusion of Battle’. It’s just a suggestion but in the Historical Scenario books it will feature in specific scenarios. (The next one will be for January-April 1945 in the West) But this rule otherwise should only be used by defenders in attack/defence games.


Q 10a. Combined area fire. The example suggests that multiple shots at the same target are combined, however I can't find anything in the rules that says when and how this is done?

Answer: If you have a look at the 'Combined Arms' tutorial on the Anschluss Wargames website you will clearly see how it works.


Q 10b. Can you combine AT fire?

Answer: No, one shot only from each A/T weapon in a firing action.


Q 11a. Page 19: "A scattered unit may not move towards any spotted enemy within 250m, but must remain stationary.  Otherwise it may move up to 50% of its normal move IF that takes it to cover" If a scattered unit has enemy within 250m may it move away from them to cover?

Answer: The scattered unit would only move away from enemy IF they have already spotted them.


Q11b. May a scattered unit move toward enemy to reach cover?

Answer: Yes, (50% of movement) but probably inadvisable.


Q12a. Page 8 and Page 20.  Programmed artillery fire. Page 8 states "Programmed artillery fire may be used 5 times before the game begins." Does this mean every artillery battery may fire 5 times before the game begins?

Answer: Yes.


Q12b. Does this mean 5 different batteries may fire programmed fire?

Answer: Yes. but it is unlikely that a whole reinforced artillery regiment would be tasked for an operation involving up to a battalion. And certainly, in historical scenarios, I think one would be hard pressed to find examples.


Q12c. Can programmed fire start on any turn or only on turn 1?

Answer: As long as it has been planned it can be used on any turn/s. (Though why one might want to do this would be interesting, not to mention adventurous.)


Q13. Q14 Is the direct area fire table also used for indirect area fire?

Answer: Yes. (You will see the ‘Indirect Artillery Area fire Modifier column at the bottom, and on the right hand side of the table.)


Q 14a. Page 24.  Unit test result, if a unit is shaken, Does a shaken unit fall back a full move only once or every move until its moral recovers?

Answer: Yes, every move until/unless morale improves for some reason. (Incredibly good die rolls?)


Q14b. Does the shaken unit movement occur immediately or in the next movement phase?

Answer: It will take place in the following move turn actions until it either leaves the table, or recovers its effectiveness.


Q14c. If a formation test result is shaken or rout, does every unit in the formation get the shaken or rout result?

Answer: Yes. Unhappiness can be contagious.


Q14d. If a company command is the highest command on table it won't be in command radius of a higher command, does this mean that it cannot rally?

Answer: .It depends on the dice roll... a 10 (-3) is likely to stop it heading away, but it can happen on a lesser roll, depending on the subordinate units falling back/running, and its core effectiveness value. (There is nothing in theory to stop a Battalion Command being on table in a point’s game... though unlikely in Historical scenarios.)


Q14e. Page 46.  Panzer Lehr scenario. Does the bocage block line of sight?

Answer: Yes.


Q15. What is the difference on the armoured vehicle stat sheets between ‘effective’ and ‘max’ with regards HE fire? Answer: Effective should be used as indirect HE fire value. ‘Max’ is a mechanism which will be used in future scenario books so may be ignored for the present.


Q16. With regards aircraft - the book does not show armament / payloads of aircraft. Why is this? Answer: In the future scenario books aircraft payloads will be specifically mentioned. Suffice it to say that ground attack aircraft, as a ‘default’ may vary two 250lb bombs or 16 60 pounder rockets, along with fixed cannon/MGs. If there is sufficient demand, a table of payloads will be published on the website.


Q17. Is a UNIT a single base such as an infantry section or a single tank?
Answer: A unit is a Platoon/Company/Battalion. An element is a single armoured vehicle/AT gun or infantry section/squad.


Q18. Is a formation the first hierarchy of the base. i.e. a section base belongs to a platoon, so the platoon is the formation when dealing with a section (unit)?
Answer: It should read ‘elements’, not ‘units’.


Q19.  Under the list of causes of unit effectiveness checks (page 23) it talks about the UNIT suffering 25% more of its UNIT’s KO’d, how can a unit have units? (Same for 50%)
Answer: If a platoon sized unit in your KG/Company/Battalion suffers a shaken or rout result, you then would do the test for the KG/Company/Battalion as a whole, and not use the Effectiveness check at the bottom of P23, just the Company/Battalion test... though if your KG is of Battalion size the effect would be on the Company the platoon belongs to in the first instance... unless the domino effect takes place. (And it does happen)


Q20. If the player thinks the kampfgruppe (say) needs to check because it has lost bases, does that test start Effectiveness 4 (if average), then ignore the Unit table (bottom of page 23) and instead use the company mods table at the top of page 24 and then do the random penalty and then look at the Formation test line for the result? Answer: That status remains until you take another test, which may be voluntary or enforced by events. It can be a double edged sword.


Q21. If a unit falters, is that a one off penalty for the rest of that turn or does that status stay with the unit until it is rallied off in a subsequent test?
Answer: It remains until it either takes another compulsory test, or chooses voluntarily to take a test.


Q22a. If that I have a German defence of an infantry platoon, plus PaK 40 A/T attached at the start of the game to the platoon, should I treat this as though it is a five element platoon? Answer: Yes. But only if the support weapon (whether MMG or At gun etc) has been attached at the start of the game.


Q22b. The PaK 4O has just been destroyed with a KO result, given the above..... Who tests for effectiveness?
Answer: If the PaK is attached to a German platoon, and the platoon is 4 Sections, none of which have suffered damage or loss, nothing, as it would not be 25%. If the AT gun is independent, its larger organisation takes a test.


Q23. I have a Sherman platoon of 5 tanks, the second one has just been knocked out, the platoon has more than 25% losses - who tests? Is that a formation test for the whole platoon? Answer: The Platoon tests in the first instance, if things go disastrously awry, the Company might then test.