Welcome to Anschluss Wargames
Here at Anschluss Wargames we are committed to providing the best products for World War 2 wargamers.
To this end we are proud to present our company to Battalion wargames rules... ‘The War on the Ground’
These are at 1:1 scale for 10mm, 12mm and 1/144 scale. We believe these rules offer the most realistic combat experience available on table.
Use the correct tactics... you will be rewarded but get it wrong and well.... you can guess the rest!
This book includes the core rule set and five scenarios, covering June to September 1944.
The main armour types are here, as are the infantry types. All you need for (British, Wehrmacht, Fallschirmjagers and Americans) late war combat in Western Europe.
We also provide you with the opportunity to purchase accessories... Both for games - Templates for artillery and bespoke counters as well as scale trees, flock and vegetation for your bases.
Our ranges will be expanding so sign up for updates and news.

1942 Russian and German stats...
1942 Russian and German Stats for the vehicles and infantry
Infantry and Support Specs for the rules and the first 'Forgotten Battles' Scenario book
Hi all players!
Here as promised, the long awaited PDF for you to download with all the Armour, Infantry and Support Specs for the rules and the first 'Forgotten Battles' Scenario book, which will cover all of the main types of troops, weapons for both Axis and Allies from June 1944 to May 1945 on the Western front.
Click below to download
Infantry and support specifications