Designed in 1936 this light tank was considered at the time to be perfect for reconnaissance... and use within the British Empire. With a powered turret and two machine guns (303 Vickers, and .50 Vickers.) Its armoured varied between 4 and 14mm, proof against rifle and light machine gun fire, but not much else.
Over 1600 were produced by 1940 and the majority of tanks in the British Expeditionary Force in France in1939-1940 were MkVI types. 331 were lost in France.
The MkVI continued in operations in the Western Desert and against the Italians they did quite well, but were withdrawn in 1941, as they were completely outclassed by Italian and German medium and heavy tanks the MKVIB having no answer against their armour.
As a result of customer feedback we are trying out a 'before and after' photo of the model, as you can see. Please let us know if this is helpful! (The 'after' represents a tank of the 13/18th Hussars in France)